Lake Chelan Buyers

Buying Real Estate in the Lake Chelan AreaBuying Real Estate in the Lake Chelan Area

There is no better choice for Buyer’s Broker when looking to purchase real estate anywhere in Chelan County but especially in Manson and the Chelan Valley and surrounding areas than Mary Flood.

Mary strives hard to work hard on your behalf no matter what home you are buying in the area. With our extensive MLS search and listings there may the right home waiting for you with another agent. With the agent network and the way our agents communicate, your home may be closer than you think.

Some tips to know and have under your belt before you start the search process will help get you on your way whether you are a first time buyer or old pro.

  • Have an earnest money deposit readily available.  This is usually is equal to 1-3% of the purchase price and the more the better but sometimes less is acceptable.
  • Have a little extra in case you want to do an inspection. This can range from $100-$800 or sometimes more depending on how much you want inspected. Additional inspections can run more.

Talk to a lender about a pre-approval letter. The most disheartening thing is when you find the home of your dreams then realize you can’t afford it. The pre-approval letter not only gives you and your agent a pre range to search in but also gives you great ammunition when it comes time to offer. The seller knows you are already approved for the loan amount and are serious about buying the house.

  • On inspections be cautious of what you ask for. Many times if you ask for everything, you get nothing. Negotiate what is most important to you in the sale of the home. Many times these are safety issues or things that would really make or break the sale.

During the time between the acceptance of the inspection and closing there is a brief time of silence where you might feel no one is doing anything. But this is the time where all the folks behind the scenes really start their work. Escrow agents, lenders and sellers know now that you are serious about buying and more than likely the deal will go through so they need to start their work to make sure underwriters have all the paperwork, title is cleared etc…

  • At this point you can start packing and preparing your self to move. Contact the local post office of your move and have your mail forwarded. Close up any loose ends and prepare your children for the move. Such as with schools and programs if necessary. 

Knowing these simple tips will help prepare you to make a good, solid offer when competing in the market for your home. Any questions you have, please feel free to contact us. I will get on a search for you right away.

Search Lake Chelan Real Estate trust Mary Flood to provide all your real estate needs in Chelan County Real Estate and Manson Real Estate.