The Current Market in Chelan Washington
The Chelan Washington real estate area runs from of the Columbia River down and around Chelan up through Mason on both sides of the Lake. There are currently 473 homes for sale in Chelan Washington. Of those, only 21 are foreclosures or bank owned homes and over 450 of them are seller/owner’s.
The average listing price for Chelan Washington is $501,000 which is up nearly 5% over last month at this time. The median sales price however is down slightly over last year at $230,000. The average sales price currently is $293,000 and that includes vacation homes, primary residences, condominiums and other homes in the Chelan area.
During the end of 2011 the median sales price took an unusual jump up and was skewed due to several high-end real estate sales of over $1.5 million. But the average and median sales price has leveled out between $150,000 and $300,000.
The number of sales on the market has jumped around over the last 6 to 8 months with the lowest being at the end of 2011 in the end of 2012 at less than 10 per month but this year we’ve reached over 20 to 50 per week or month in the Chelan area.
Contact us below if you’re interested in listing your Chelan home or real estate today.